Kevin Ashton would not believe that a phrase he coined in 1999 in his presentation to P&G would assume such mammoth proportions.
It would become a call sign for the future spawning its own Universe.
Broadband proliferation is growing geometrically. The cost of connecting devices to the internet is dropping rapidly. More and more devices are being created with Wi-Fi capabilities
The conditions are ripe for the unleashing of an Internet Of Things (IoT) storm.
Growth projections for IoT are through the roof (putting things mildly)
A new range of devices (with Wi-Fi capabilities) are being created,
These range from Wearables to Headphones, Cellphones to Coffee makers and Washing machines to Lamps.
IoT is expected to take on its true proportions by the year 2020 connecting people to people and things to things.
Anything that can be connected will be connected, this not only includes devices but high range machine components that will constantly spew out data with regard to their performance and maintenance.
The IoT is expected to unleash a DataTsunami that likening a Gigabyte to a grain of sand.
But why connect?
The answer lies in driving optimum efficiencies and effectiveness in an ever-morphing world where the only currency that matters is time.
A few examples will suffice.
1. Cars linked to a specific calendar that will choose the least congested route to a meeting.
2.An alarm clock that wakes you up and then notifies the coffee maker to start brewing the coffee.
3.Wearable devices that track your bio-rhythms and health; constantly suggesting ways to improve your physical condition or sending you prompts that detect early signs of disease.
The possibilities are limitless.
On a Macro scale, IoT could be applied to existing city system networks within smart cities enabling smoother functioning of Transportation, Communications, Security, Healthcare.. the possibilities are unending.
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
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